Teaching Good Decision Making Skills

Teaching Good Decision Making Skills

Teaching Good Decision Making Skills

Teaching Good Decision Making Skills - Table of Contents


Chapter 1:
Good Decision Basics

Chapter 2:
Make Your Child Aware Of What Decision Making Is

Chapter 3:
Teach Your Child How To Come Up With Possibilities

Chapter 4:
Teach Your Child To Weigh Consequences

Chapter 5:
Supply The Skills To Weigh Possibilities and Consequences Against Family Values

Chapter 6:
Recognize When Your Child Makes A Good Decision

Chapter 7:
The Downfall Of Not Teaching Your Child Good Decision Making

Wrapping Up

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Chapter 1:

Good Decision Basics


During the course of trying to teach the child how to make good decision, the parent would have to also help the child look at the issue that requires the decision

making from various different angles until the child is completely satisfied with the information available and is able to make an informed decision.

The Basics

The following are some of the areas the child should be taught to consider before making decisions of any sort:

Teaching the child to have an idea of the desired outcome would be a good point to start from as the child will then learn to try and make the decision that will best contribute to the desired outcome.

Having a picture in mind of the desired outcome will also help the child to explore various possibilities until the suitable one is found.

Setting about creating various options before the final decision is made will also help the child to learn how to be flexible in the decision making and it will help the child think out of the box and be more adventurous and open to other thought processes.

Encouraging the child to seek the advice of others is also another good way of learning how to make decisions especially if the decisions made will eventually affect others too.
Other Details

- Ebook (PDF, DOC), 24 Pages
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- File Size: 22,867 KB

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